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What NOT To Do To Ensure Project Success - Mistake #1

As a Project Manager, Operational Manager or Executive Leader, we can often be so passionate and determined in what we want to achieve that we try to do everything ourselves or turn into a control freak. There is however a simple solution.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

During my time working with project teams I continue to see a range of mistakes occurring which are detrimental to project success.  I want to share these with you over my next few blog posts to raise your awareness of the dangers and in the hope that you will take steps to avoid them or seek the help of a professional to support you.

If you want something done right, do it yourself . . . WRONG!

Mistake #1: Project Manager Trying To Do Everything

The Project Manager's accountability is significant and often includes responsibility for improving the organisation's effectiveness, productivity and thereby competitive advantage.  For some the natural reaction to this is to try to control everything and everyone.  They delegate poorly and micro-manage – though not always intentionally or consciously. The solution lies in selecting the right project manager and ensuring there is sufficient skilled and capable support in place.  Project Managers are not only task focused but must be people focused and call upon their leadership skills.  They must have confidence in their project team and be prepared to delegate appropriately and develop team member skill.

If you are leading a project and have been fortunate enough to hand pick your team, then no doubt you have insisted on having the best people.  Problems will arise however if you still want to do everything yourself or micro-manage the team.  People will feel frustrated, unchallenged, dissatisfied and ultimately may leave.

The Solution Lies With You

Awareness of your controlling and micromanaging tendencies is the first step in improving your project team leadership. Consider then the many benefits in changing your ways and learn how to delegate without feeling anxious.  To do this you should consider the following:

  1. Build trusting relationships with team members
  2. Set a standard of excellence
  3. Know your individual's strengths, weaknesses and skills
  4. Develop team member skills
  5. Identify what and why to delegate
  6. Determine the right person to delegate to
  7. Communicate clear task requirements and expectations
  8. Follow-up to ensure tasks are completed (or better still put the onus on the team member to update you)
  9. Acknowledge and give people credit for their work

Becoming an effective delegator takes practice so don't give up if things don't work out the first time.

If you are still not convinced, just ask yourself the question:

What will happen if I try to do everything?

Like to talk further about this or any other leadership and team challenges you face?  Feel free to contact us via the website or call on +61 7 3272 4922+61 7 3272 4922


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