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Project Success . . . Mistake #2

I've lost count of the number of times I have heard a project manager complain about the performance of a team member as if they were powerless to do anything. There is a solution . . .

Thursday 26 March 2015

This post continues my series on "What NOT To Do TO Ensure Project Success".   The focus here is again on project managers and their role and more specifically their role in leading the team.

Mistake #2: Not managing team member performance

I've lost count of the number of times I have heard a project manager complain about the performance of a team member as if they were powerless to do anything.  On top of this they believe the only solution is to get the poor performer off the project and find someone else.

Managing performance is a challenge at the best of times let alone in a task based environment where times frames can be short and expectations high.  Team members are often required to be self-sufficient and do what needs to be done to meet the next deliverable.  Add to this part-time / cross functional team members whose priorities may lie elsewhere and for whom the project manager has no direct responsibility and the task seems even more challenging.

Despite this, the project manager cannot abdicate their responsibility for managing the performance of individual team members.  Plus this makes the project manager look incompetent in the eyes of their stakeholders.

Create an environment for success

Success in managing performance comes from the following:

  • Setting clear expectations – what, why, how and when things need to be completed
  • Building solid relationships – so that performance can be discussed openly
  • Providing feedback – being constructive, balanced and timely
  • Developing people – through coaching, buddying, mentoring or short courses etc

In a project environment where a project manager feels they do not have authority over a part-time resource it is also critical that agreement exists between the project manager, team member and the team member's manager as to responsibilities and how performance is monitored and managed.

It might be assumed that I am only talking about poor performance here, however it is just as important that good performance is also acknowledged and rewarded by the project manager.

So next time you feel frustrated at the performance of a team member, don't look for a way to avoid the problem.  Tackle it head on and early before things get out of hand.

If you find performance management and coaching a challenge please contact me via email mark@intelligentperformance.com.au to discuss how we might be able to support you.

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